Dressage Training by Ann Smith

Trimming Tip ... From Jessica Seguin
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The horses trim should be changed to that of a ridden horse not the racing trim.

Has anyone ever written down that something important to re-training Standardbreds is to make sure that if the horse is being re-trained for riding the trim they recieve on their hooves should be trimmed like that of a riding horse not a racing "long toed" standardbred? 
This is something I learned a year or so after aquireing and un-successfully trying to teach Ike to canter.  We now trim him like a saddle horse and haven't had any problems with him getting an actual canter.  I actually learned it from a Standardbred breeder and haven't been able to find it on the net.  Just a suggestion.  :)

Thanks for your time.

Jessica Seguin

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D&A Farm * N2276 DuBorg Road * Columbus, WI * US * 53925
(920) 623-5417