Dressage Training by Ann Smith

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Teaching Standardbreds to Canter
The Training Scale
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What do people who take lessons from me think?

I met Ann when we adopted our horse, Terra, through the ASAP program. Ann and her family were fostering two horses for adoption through the ASAP program. Terra and I bonded immediately. I did not have any prior horse-riding experience....unless you consider a pony ride or two at a fair when I was a child....experience. I've had carraige pulling horses before, but I've never really ridden until I met Ann.  Ann calmed my fears and gave me lessons on riding. Despite my fears of riding....for instance, I'm afraid of heights, and Terra was very tall. Ann's gentle guidance, helped me to learn to ride. I'm sure that you remember the famous scene from the Titanic where Leo Decaprio jumped on the front of the ship and said, "I'm the king of the world!" Honestly, that is how I felt when I was on Terra... Ann was cantering him and made me forget my fears....I was able to put my arms out and just ENJOY the moment. I was in total trust of Ann and of Terra. That was really one of the perfect moments of my life. One that I will remember....ALWAYS.
Ann is more than an efficient teacher...she has a way of putting you at ease and cheering you on. She is an AMAZING teacher and I am always grateful of the time that she spent with Terra and I. Terra, unfortunately, died from cancer a few years ago. But, Ann went way beyond being a teacher to becoming a friend. She cried with me when Terra died. She was there for me.
I would totally recommend Ann Smith as a horse trainer and a riding instructor. Once you talk to her and talk to her about her passion for horses, you will understand. She loves what she does, despite her busy schedule and I totally admire that about her.
She is so enthusiastic...to a point that is CONTAGIOUS. She is honest, fair and gentle in guiding her students.
Lia Mittelstadt
Randolph, WI

I have been working with Ann for about 5 months. I want to adopt a Standardbred next year and was impressed with her discussion (Ask Ann) on teaching them to canter. Since training with Ann, I’ve discovered that my horse handling skills definitely need improvement. I’ve asked her to help me become the best horsewoman I can be. So far Ann has helped fill in gaps in my knowledge of horse grooming, leading, loungeing, saddling and riding. We’ve discussed the way horses think, the way we think, and the importance of body language. I look forward to each session with Ann and the horses. The benefits I receive are so positive and uplifting. Ann has a wonderful way of sensing just what I need to work on during each class. We laugh often and have become friends. I see my relationship with Ann being on-going over the years. She is a vast resource of information and no question I ask is too silly or outlandish. I always go home feeling more confident and capable of learning even more.
Thanks, Ann.
Bonnie Falkowski
Milwaukee, WI

You're Welcome , Bonnie.

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D&A Farm * N2276 DuBorg Road * Columbus, WI * US * 53925
(920) 623-5417