Dressage Training by Ann Smith

About Ann Smith

About Me
Teaching Standardbreds to Canter
The Training Scale
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Many customers like to know about the trainer and horses behind the training. Here I will tell you a little about myself.

My Philosophy

The objective of my training is to teach my customers to systematically gymnasticize and sensitize their horses to their every movement. I will teach you how to 'feel' what the horse is doing and saying to you through it's own body language communication. I will explain and de mystify the basics of dressage to help you understand how "IT" all works.

My History

I have been told by respected professional horse trainers and horse people; I should start my own horse training business for many years. I am excited to have finally reached that goal. :-) Taking my business to the web makes the process even more exciting.

I started training over 15 years ago when I got my first horse. He was free and "dead broke". He was so dead broke he had arthritis in both knees, both hocks and all four fetlocks. He knew every trick in the book to scare and unseat a rider to get back in his stall. When I discovered his barn nickname was Killer... That was when I knew I NEEDED to know how to re-train a horse.

I found dressage by referral and by looking into the background of the three people I was told to emulate: John Lyons, Richard Shrake and Sally Swift.  It took us about 2 years of discovery, trial and error but by then I was hooked on Dressage and the incredible changes it could bring about in a horse's temperament and physical body condition.  

When the other boarders around me saw the changes in my horse... my part time training/teaching career got started.  The professionals around me started telling me "...the horse business needs people like you." That was when I also found Mr. Renier Klimke's videos and books.  I progressed in my reading to include Mr. Alios Podhajski, Erik Herberman and anything else that I could get my hands on from USDF and British Horse Society pertaining to training and dressage.Over the years I have worked with and re-habbed around 20 horses... one horse at a time.

In the past few years I have been answering questions about re-taining horses using dressage on the two Yahoo! discussion groups DiscoveringClassicalDressage and STBInfo.  I have also re-trained and fostered horses for ASAP. I give lessons to help people understand what is dressage and how to re-train and re-hab thier horse. I have even given a couple of clinics at the ASAP Home Farm in DeSoto, WI.  I also work as the Arena Captain at the NI Horse Fest.

Training Costs

 I try to bring my passion for life and training to you through my teaching, my work with American Standardbred Adoption Program (ASAP), my support of Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation (Midwest) and this web site.

  • ***New*** Daily Lunge Lessons  - $250/mo or $60/week
  • Training your horse - $250/mo + board  (ask about ASAP/Midwest discount)
  • Dressage Lessons - $25/lesson ( + gas if not at my home)
  • Riding lessons - $10
  • Available for Clinics - call me.

The last cost, not included above, is a personal one. I require that my students want to learn and make every effort to truly learn from me.  You will be expected to practice what we are learning in the lesson ON YOUR OWN with your horse, where possible.  This way you will have attempted to use what I have taught and can ask questions or discuss difficulties at our next lesson.  I require this becuase the quote goes "PERFECT practice makes perfect." 

Dressage requires knowledge of the theory as well as PRACTICE of the theory to understand it fully. Both of our time is too valuable for you to do what I say in the lesson and not listen to or remember the why's for what you are doing and the feelings we are attempting to achieve.  

My Home

Here is a picture of our home in spingtime...


Ann Smith

D&A Farm * N2276 DuBorg Road * Columbus, WI * US * 53925
(920) 623-5417